For those of you, like myself, working in the dangerous intersection of PR Street & Social Media Boulevard (about a block from Media Relations Avenue), one of the most difficult issues with which we contend, on a daily basis, is the struggle to tackle our day’s worth of work while still keeping up-to-date on the latest and greatest industry goings-on. New websites & platforms, case studies & innovative campaigns, new social media tools and monitoring methods…not to mention the plethora of analysis and conjecture the erupts every day, as bloggers, journalists and media personalities speculate as to the possible direction social media is taking, debate the potential of a new social network, scrutinize an intriguing PR/Marketing campaign, or discuss the many ways in which social media and twitter has impacted our lives. And this is all in addition to staying on top of current events and the news cycle, the latest in health and medicine, politics, entertainment and the economy. It’s a grueling, harrowing, task – to keep up with everything.

To some, it’s TMI, but I would venture to guess, that if you’re in PR, Marketing, Advertising, or Social Media, you love it all and there aren’t enough hours in the day to read every interested article and post. You thrive on the information and you’re computer sits on the verge of death as tab after tab after tab opens in your browser, each offering a fresh perspective while pushing your computer closer and closer to crashing. TechCrunch and Mashable. Adage, Adfreak, BrandWeek, and eMarketer. Mediapost & MarketingProfs. Fast Company & ZDNet. Not to mention the infinite universe of professionals and practitioners that blog about their take and daily experiences – arguable of equal or greater value than those simply ‘reporting.’ It’s not TMI – There can never be Too Much Information – It’s more an issue of chaos. I want the info, just cleaner, simpler, easier.

That’s how it is for me, anyway, and apparently, for Sarah Evans, as well. Which is why we’re endeavoring to bring you the best, the edgiest, the most interesting, the most controversial and the most insightful, of these articles and blogs in a new e-recap, “Commentz.”

Commentz – the brainchild of the one and only Sarah Evans – will aim to remedy this overload, bring order to chaos, and structure to your unending desire to learn and know everything there is about the universe…well, about PR, anyway.

In Sarah’s words:

Information overload? I know how you feel. Everyday I scan headlines, check my RSS feeds and head over to see what my favorite bloggers are saying about PR and new media. I already share the majority of what I read via Twitter, but wanted a better way to publicly archive it. Sure, I could list all of the links in my blog each day and invite you to visit. But, it would be even better if I could do all of the work and send it directly to you.

Thus, Commentz was born.

It’s a daily, electronic recap of hot topics and blog posts most likely to generate lots of conversation (or comments).

With the help of David Teicher (@aerocles), we’re going to bring you the best of the best Monday through Friday. There’s no catch. Simply sign up, and get the information without the work.

If you’re a blogger who write about PR or new media, you can send your posts or site for consideration to

The first edition of Commentz is set to launch Tuesday, August 18. Get signed up now!

So what are you waiting for? Subscribe already! And if you have any interesting articles or blog posts to share – well…tell us!

  1. Heather Dueitt says:

    Congrats David! Thanks for helping sift through all the info. Brilliant idea between two amazing minds.

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